An updated version of my C64 XUM1541, this supports the newer XUM1541 firmware and comes with a few extra goodies.
- antimixItaly
- BartPhi
- battifreundGermany
- biggerpepe
- bockeSerbia
- carmines@carmines
- chunkypixelMelbourne, Australia
- corumItaly
- danko79Italy
- denjhangDenjiang's OSHW
- eloshaGermany/Switzerland
- exa18Polska
- f00b4r0France
- Feandreu
- geloalex
- GiuMGGermany
- idolpx
- ithieme71Pattonville (Germany)
- jank324Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY
- jarogn
- Job76InspektionsSystem AB
- kalinkaataAmetek
- Loki44
- markjaustin
- nickpas
- ObiwantjeOut there in the USA
- QpoX
- RetrofletchSweden
- RetroHunGamer
- robertgida
- StargeezerLabs
- svenpetersen1965my own
- TankedThomasGare Ltd.
- UffeJakobsen
- venice1200Germany
- vigo@sipay-tr @vbyazilim @bilusteknoloji