
Official implementation for the ECCV22 paper "Fast Two-step Blind Optical Aberration Correction".

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Fast two-step blind optical aberration correction

This repository contains the official implemention of the ECCV'22 paper Fast two-step blind optical aberration correction: [paper][website][demo].


10/14: Check the online demo using this code here! 10/12: I pushed a faster and better curated version of the code.


First, make sure you have set an environment up with Pytorch>=1.10 installed. Install the other requirements with

pip install -r requirements.txt

If you want to deploy this code in another project, you can install the package with

python setup.py install

You can import the package in your python code with

import fast_optics_correction

When done, you can call the main module in modules.py as


Please refer to test.py for an example and the list of parameters.


You can run the testing script with default parameters

python test.py --name facade.jpg

where you can change the parameters and the image path to test your own example (including raw with .dng format!)


Download the DIV2K dataset and the PSFs at


and run

bash prepare_psfs.sh

You are now all set to train the model! You can run the following bash file with preselected options

bash run_train.sh


In case of questions or bugs, please contact me at thomas.eboli@ens-paris-saclay.fr.