
This app makes it possible to monitor stocks and visualize their development over time. Also, different trend graphs can be added and selected to get more detailed information. On the start page, the data from the watchlist is automatically summarized and visualized.



Contributers Mat-Nr.
Philipp Polland 1674335
Samuel Assmann 3182906


The collaboration on the project first started with the architecture, which was decided and discussed in pair programming on only Samuels device. In the course of the project, different work packages were divided, such as database, api management, frontend and fragment communication. However, these are merged into each other and can therefore not be clearly assigned. Tendecy was, that frontend and charting was developed by Samuel, while database management and async tasking was developed by Philipp. However the lines are very blurry, since debugging and individual tasks in each field were done by both parties.

For more detailed information please visit github.


A default API-key is provided in the App, however should issues arise it is recommended that you generate your own key at and insert your own key in the settings menu.

Version: (in projekt gradle)

Kotlin - 1.4.20

gradle - 4.1.1

compileSdkVersion - 30

buildToolsVersion - 30.0.2

LiveChart - 1.3.4