
Customizable circular Slider component

Primary LanguageQMLMIT LicenseMIT

QML Circular Slider

A highly customisable circular slider written in QML.

More details can be found here at my blog https://arunpkqt.wordpress.com/2021/05/08/qml-circular-slider/

List of properties

  • trackWidth
  • progressWidth
  • handleWidth
  • handleHeight
  • handleRadius
  • handleVerticalOffset
  • startAngle
  • endAngle
  • minValue
  • maxValue
  • value
  • angle [readonly]
  • capStyle
  • trackColor
  • progressColor
  • handleColor
  • stepSize
  • snap
  • handle [Component]
  • pressed [readonly]
  • hideTrack
  • hideProgress


  • The track and progress are created using Shape component with PathAngleArc.

  • Default handle is rounded rectangle which is loaded using a Loader inside the handleItem. By setting the property z to 2 we make sure that the handle is rendered always on top when we use any child item inside the slider for progress indicator.

  • A MouseArea is used which covers the whole component but only accepts mouse clicks along the slider track with a given minimum width.

  • A QtObject which is used to hide the internal details of the component from outside. This is the object inside which we hide all the internal properties and functions which are used for calculations.


Basic Properties


Custom Handles


Custom Progress Indicator


Building Demo

Using QMake

cd CircularSlider
qmake && make

Using CMake

cd CircularSlider
cmake .
cmake --build .