
How to create separately "my_dataset.raw.train.txt" files for each java codes?

brcsnt opened this issue · 3 comments


Thank you again for sharing this project with us! I have a question.
When I run the "" script, all the java files in train folder union all and create a "my_dataset.raw.train.txt" file.
Is it possible to create the "my_dataset.raw.train.txt" files as a separate files for each java code in train folder ? (For instance my_dataset.raw.train_code_1.txt , my_dataset.raw.train_code_2.txt, etc.)

Many thanks in advance.

Hello @urialon,

Thank you so much for your quick response.
I did some research to make changes to the JavaExtractor project. Do I have to modify exactly the "" file to get the result I specified above? I tried to make some changes but so far without success.

Many thanks in advance.