
A database of various RL algorithms implemented in PyTorch for the OpenAI Gym Environments with code and explanations.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook



  • A database of various RL algorithms implemented in PyTorch for the OpenAI Gym Environments with code and explanations.
  • All the algorithm implementations are from sweetice's Deep-reinforcement-learning-with-pytorch repo.
  • Each algorithm code is accompanied by a detailed analysis created for my personal learning.
  • Refer to RLAlgorithmsBreakdown.ipynb for quick reference to each algorithm's architecture, also included below.

Model Architecture Overview


Action Space: Discrete
Q Network: state + action -> expected reward
Model Dependency:
Target Q Network (discounted reward) -> Q Network; Q Network (update) -> Target Q Network
Note: apply Q network to each action to find the best action

Policy Gradient

Action Space: Discrete
Actor: state -> probability for each action
Model Dependency:
- Use reward collected per game-play to calculate discounted reward per game-play step; multiply the discounted reward with negated log probability of action for each game-play step to get the Actor loss


Action Space: Discrete
Actor: state -> probability for each action
Critic: state -> expected reward
Model Dependency:
- Use reward collected per game-play to calculate discounted reward per game-play step; multiply the discounted reward with negated log probability of action for each game-play step to get the Actor loss
- Use the L1 Loss Function for expected reward and actual reward for Critic loss
- Critic is used to calculate the advantage of Actor's action (actual reward - expected reward)


Action Space: Discrete
Actor: state -> probability for each action
Critic: state -> expected reward
Model Dependency:
- Use reward collected per game-play to calculate discounted reward per game-play step; multiply the discounted reward with negated log probability of action for each game-play step to get the Actor loss
- Critic is used to calculate the advantage of Actor's action (actual reward - expected reward)
- Use the mean of advantage^2 to calculate the Critic loss
Note 1: Actor-Critic model applied to multiple environments in parallel, and the loss combined during backpropagation
Note 2: Entropy can be used to favor exploration of action space


Action Space: Continuous
Actor: state -> continuous action 
Q Network: state + action -> expected reward
Model Dependency:
Actor + Target Q Network (discounted reward) -> Q Network, Q Network -> Actor; Q Network (update) -> Target Q Network


Action Space: Discrete
Actor: state -> probability for each action
Critic: state -> expected reward
Model Dependency:
- Use reward collected per game-play to calculate discounted reward per game-play step; multiply the discounted reward with negated log probability of action for each game-play step to get the Actor loss
- Use the MSE Loss Function for expected reward and actual reward for Critic loss
- Critic is used to calculate the advantage of Actor's action (actual reward - expected reward)
Note: Ratio of probability of selecting an action from updated network and original network is used to control the rate of network update


Action Space: Continuous
Actor: state -> mean and std for action distribution 
Critic: state -> expected reward
Q Network (optionally dual): state + action -> expected reward
Model Dependency:
Target Critic (discounted reward) -> Q Network; Q Network -> Actor; Q Network + Actor -> Critic; Critic (update) -> Critic
Note: Additionally, entropy can be used to encourage exploration


Action Space: Continuous
Actor: state -> action value
Dual Q Network: state + action -> expected reward
Model Dependency:
Actor + Target Q Networks (discounted reward) -> Q Networks; Q Network No.1 (delayed for stability) -> Actor; Q Networks (update) -> Target Q Networks
Note 1: Delayed Actor update is used to stablise training
Note 2: Noise filter is used in the implementation to stablise training