
A bidirectional (joint model) transformer seq2seq translator model for Korean-to-English translation.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook



  • A bidirectional (joint model) transformer seq2seq translator model for Korean-to-English translation.

  • Two encoder-decoder transformer models have been used to train Korean-to-English and English-to-Korean translators, and the translator wrapper model combines the two models together to create a bidirectional translator that can take in both Korean and English inputs.

  • Trained on Kaggle Ted-Talk Translation Dataset.

  • The following results show the model trained for 10 epochs (4~5 hours of training on A100 GPU; train for longer epochs to get better performance).

  • Raw translation outputs are stored in the translated_dataset_no2_epochs_1_to_10.zip file.

File Structure

  • korean_english_bydirectional_translator_project_v5.ipynb contains code to train the translator model and test the model on the test dataset.
  • test_translation_module.ipynb contains code to calculate the average BLEU score for each epoch's output with the test dataset.
  • kr_en_translation_ted_talk_dataset.zip contains training and test datasets.
  • translated_dataset_no2_epochs_1_to_10.zip contains generated output for each line of the test dataset for both Korean-to-English and English-to-Korean translations by the model for each epoch.

English-to-Korean Translation Examples

Example 1: (line 361)

Original English: Thank you so much.

Actual Korean Translation: 갑사합니다.
Model Translated Korean: 감사합니다 . 

Example 2: (line 1920)

Original English: You may just know more about everything than anyone. 

Actual Korean Translation: 정말 모든 것에 대해 모든 사람들 보다...
Model Translated Korean: 여러분은 모두 더 많은 것을 알고 있습니다 . 

Example 3: (line 76)

Original English: People have wanted to look inside the human mind, the human brain, for thousands of years. 

Actual Korean Translation: 사람들은 수 천 년동안 인간의 뇌와 마음 속을 읽고 싶어했습니다.
Model Translated Korean: 사람들은 인간의 뇌를 가지고 있는 것을 보고 , 그리고 그 뇌는 그 뇌는 그 안에 있습니다 .

Korean-to-English Translation Examples

Example 1: (line 1981)

Original Korean: W: 감사합니다.

Actual English Translation: WK: Thank you. 
Model Translated English: So thank you very much .

Example 2: (line 77)

Original Korean: 이에 대한 해결책의 실마리는 오늘날에 이르러서야 보이기 시작했습니다.

Actual English Translation: Well, coming out of the research labs just now, for our generation, is the possibility to do that. 
Model Translated English: And I 've been working on this for a long time . 

Example 3: (line 1712)

Original Korean: 이들은 지구에 민주주의를 가져다 준 또다른 영웅 세대였습니다.

Actual English Translation: This was another hero generation that brought democracy to the planet.
Model Translated English: They 're the most important of the world in the world .



  • The average BLEU score is measured by taking the average of the accuracy calculated using binary cross-entropy loss between the human-translated and model-translated text for all 1982 lines of the test dataset.