
Homebrew 68030 computer

Primary LanguageAssembly


Homebrew mATX form-factor 68030 computer

Memory Map

Normal Operation

This is the space allocated to each device (even if the device will not use the entire address space allocated, such as the PS/2 keyboard controller which uses no address lines).

Device Start End Size
Main Memory $0000,0000 $7fff,ffff 2048MB (256MB available)
Unused (BERR) $8000,0000 $cfff,ffff 1280MB
Video $d000,0000 $d0ff,ffff 16MB
Unused (BERR) $d100,0000 $d1ff,ffff 16MB
ISA Memory $d200,0000 $d2ff,ffff 16MB
ISA I/O $d300,0000 $d3ff,ffff 16MB
Unused (BERR) $d400,0000 $dbff,ffff 128MB
S/P I/O $dc00,0000 $dcff,ffff 16MB
Reserved (BERR) $dd00,0000 $ddff,ffff 16MB
Keyboard $de00,0000 $deff,ffff 16MB
Reserved (BERR) $df00,0000 $dfff,ffff 16MB
Bus Ctrl Reg $e000,0000 $e0ff,ffff 16MB
DRAM Ctrl Reg $e100,0000 $e1ff,ffff 16MB
IRQ Ctrl Reg $e200,0000 $e2ff,ffff 16MB
Unused (BERR) $e300,0000 $efff,ffff 208MB
ROM $f000,0000 $ffff,ffff 256MB

Reset Overlay

The reset overlay allows ROM to be read from the first 256MB of the CPU address space so the CPU can load the proper startup vectors. While the reset overlay is enabled, DRAM is write-only through the first 256MB (the entire DRAM space available on the Wrap030-ATX board). ROM will continue to be readable in its normal address space. This allows the reset vector to point to ROM at its normal address.

The reset overlay is enabled by default on power on. It is disabled by setting the overlay bit on the bus controller register.

Device Start End Notes
ROM Overlay $0000,0000 $0fff,ffff Read-only 256MB ROM space
DRAM Overlay $0000,0000 $0fff,ffff Write-Only 256MB DRAM space
DRAM $1000,0000 $7fff,ffff Read/Write DRAM space
ROM $f000,0000 $ffff,ffff Read/Write ROM space