
A Python demo for simple-salesforce lib

Primary LanguagePython


Using simple-salesforce library provided for Python, we can interact with a Salesforce Org.


  • $ git clone git@github.com:techb/Python-Salesforce-Examples.git
  • $ cd Python-Salesforce-Examples
  • $ pipenv shell
  • $ pipenv install
  • $ cp EXAMPLE_login.json login.json
  • Update login.json with your username, password, and token


  • $ python app.py


While working on this example, there was an update to simple-salesforce lib. Github has the current version and we need the format_soql method from it. BUT pip hasn't been updated with the new version as of yet July 2 2020.

So, we'll need to install it via it's repo on Github.

  • pipenv install -e git+https://github.com/simple-salesforce/simple-salesforce.git#egg=simple-salesforce

If you are wondering where to get the #egg=simple-salesforce from checkout this LINK. Basically we grab whatever the name is in the setup.py file.