Deliver custom notifications within the Salesforce platform and in external apps.
- Understand Event-Driven Software Architecture
- Define and Publish Platform Events
- Subscribe to Platform Events
- You can publish more than one event by adding the event instance to a list. Then pass the list to
- For Process Builder or Flow's, select the event (shows up like a SF object/record) from Record Type, or Create Record
- Can publish events via the API
- Endpoint:
- Sample POST body:
{ "Location__c" : "Mountain City", "Urgent__c" : true, "News_Content__c" : "Lake Road is closed due to mudslides." }
- Sample Response:
HTTP/1.1 201 Created { "id" : "e00xx000000000B", "success" : true, "errors" : [ ], "warnings" : [ ] }
- Endpoint:
- You can publish an event in SOAP API through the create() call or in Bulk API using batch jobs
- Use Triggers to subscribe to events. ONLY SUPPORTS
after insert
trigger TriggerName on Custom_Event__e (after insert) {
- Event triggers are run at System level and Asynchronously, and it's own execution process in Automated Process entity
- Can't see Event Triggers debug log in dev console
- Subscribe to Platform events in Flows, use the Pause Element