
This is my python project portfolio includes a range of applications, from BMI and tip calculators to games like Rock, Paper, Scissors. Let's connect and explore the world of coding together!

Primary LanguagePython


"Please note that all my projects are hosted on my Replit account at https://replit.com/@techbire, where you can explore a broader collection of Python code. I encourage you to visit and explore the repository for additional Python projects."

1. BMI Calculator

  • Description: A BMI calculator that calculates Body Mass Index based on user inputs (weight and height).
  • Topics: Basic input/output, calculations.

2. Game-Rock, Paper, Scissors

  • Description: A simple Rock, Paper, Scissors game where you can play against the computer.
  • Topics: Conditional statements, user input.

3. Heads or Tails

  • Description: A coin-flip game that randomly selects 'Heads' or 'Tails' when you play.
  • Topics: Random number generation, conditional statements.

4. Life Expectancy Calculator

  • Description: A calculator that estimates life expectancy based on user inputs (age, lifestyle, etc.).
  • Topics: Complex calculations, user input.

5. Love Calculator

  • Description: A fun project that calculates a 'love percentage' based on user inputs (names).
  • Topics: String operations, randomization.

6. Password Generator Project

  • Description: A password generator that creates strong, random passwords for various uses.
  • Topics: Randomization, string operations.

7. Pizza Order Script

  • Description: A script to simulate ordering pizza with various toppings and sizes.
  • Topics: Functions, conditional statements.

8. Reminder App

  • Description: An application for setting and managing reminders and alerts.
  • Topics: Functions, while loops, plyer library.

9. Tip Calculator

  • Description: A calculator that calculates tips based on the bill amount and service quality.
  • Topics: Calculations, user input.

10. Treasure Mapping

  • Description: A fun project that generates a 'treasure map' for a treasure hunt.
  • Topics: Lists, randomization."

11. Who's Paying

  • Description: A tool for randomly selecting who will pay the bill in a group meal.
  • Topics: Randomization, conditional statements.

12. Hangman Game

  • Description: A classic word-guessing game where the player attempts to guess a hidden word letter by letter. The player has a limited number of incorrect guesses before the game ends.
  • Topics: String manipulation, random word selection, user input, conditionals, loops.