
Testing long-term viability of Riot token generation from cookies

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Riot Auth Test

Hacky project to test stability of generating new tokens from login cookies instead of re-authenticating

Uses https://valapidocs.techchrism.me/endpoint/cookie-reauth with different sets of cookies.

Tests are run every 15 minutes. If a test fails 10 times in a row, it will be skipped continually until the script is restarted. This is to prevent repeated auth attempts with known-bad cookies. In previous tests, a failed test might pass again on the next attempt for unknown reasons (cache? different request handlers?) hence the allowance of 10 consecutive failures.

Version 2

V2 uses reauthentication from both the web flow and the Riot client flow. It uses three sets of cookies:

  • cookies generated from the web login
  • cookies generated from the Riot client to be used exclusively for Riot client reauth
  • cookies generated from the Riot client to be used for both Riot client and web reauth

The reason for a separate set of cookies for Riot client reauth is that I have observed cookies generated from the Riot client to have a shorter lifespan when used with web reauth. I have also observed older cookies from the Riot client unable to be used with web reauth.

Tests being run:

  • Original Web Cookies - Web Reauth
  • Original Riot Cookies - Riot Reauth
  • Refreshed cookies - web using web reauth
  • Refreshed cookies - riot using riot reauth
  • Refreshed cookies - riot secondary using riot reauth
  • Refreshed cookies - riot secondary using web reauth



  • Started V2 tests, currently all passing

Version 1

Tests being run:

  • Original Cookies
    • Always attempts reauth with the same set of cookies provided on launch
  • Original SSID
    • Always attempts reauth with just the ssid cookie provided on launch
  • Refreshed Cookies
    • Attempts reauth storing the cookies from the last result to use in the next request
  • Refreshed SSID
    • Attempts reauth storing just the ssid cookie from the last result to use in the next request



  • Started the test with cookies grabbed from a web login


  • All tests still passing
  • Some tests will occasionally fail, but pass on the next attempt
    • The most common to fail is the "Refreshed SSID" test
    • Once the tests have been running for a bit longer, I'll publish failure rates


  • The "Refreshed Cookies" test is still passing
  • On 2023-11-26T04:04:15.178Z, all the tests except the "Refreshed Cookies" began failing
    • The first tests ran were on 2023-11-19T06:33:23.048Z (and the original cookies were generated slightly before this) which marks about one week of successful tests before failure
    • This would seem to indicate that storing and refreshing just the ssid cookie is not long-term stable


Failure rates and eventual failure times:

Original Cookies
   Passed: 614 (93%)
   Failed: 48 (7%)
   Longest failure chain: 2
   Time until consistent failure: 7.012 days
Original SSID
   Passed: 619 (94%)
   Failed: 43 (6%)
   Longest failure chain: 2
   Time until consistent failure: 7.012 days
Refreshed SSID
   Passed: 603 (91%)
   Failed: 58 (9%)
   Longest failure chain: 2
   Time until consistent failure: 7.002 days
Refreshed Cookies
   Passed: 1834 (91%)
   Failed: 172 (9%)
   Longest failure chain: 2
   Time until consistent failure: 21.011 days