
Avalon API extensions that may end up in the main API daemon

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

⚠️ This repository has been depreciated as the core APIs have been organized and all API methods contained here have been merged into the main repository. ⚠️


Set of additional Avalon APIs that provide more information than its core APIs.


Assuming that Avalon is already running and synced with the head block.

git clone https://github.com/techcoderx/avalon-extended-api.git
cd avalon-extended-api
npm i
node .

The extended API will listen to port 3008 by default, or the port specified in AVALON_EXT_PORT environment variable.


Avalon extended API can be configured to connect to a different MongoDB instance, non-default database or another port using environment variables.




Query single transaction by hash


For example:

$ curl http://localhost:3008/tx/98b1844e4ebef38a71f8a29e37daadf8e4e6c7ae7d6c0116ed556bb39f6590a9 | jq

    "type": 1,
    "data": {
        "target": "zurich"
    "sender": "dtube",
    "ts": 1601557504677,
    "hash": "98b1844e4ebef38a71f8a29e37daadf8e4e6c7ae7d6c0116ed556bb39f6590a9",
    "signature": "34BHR6F5uPGWtnD6gcxV68jVuqiRxQJyq4LZLtvSQ5zEfFeL3Svhi76FEF359ziTP9dFhVQGeqemsoLQga1Z7jHP",
    "includedInBlock": 10

Paginated account history

Backwards compatible with account history API included in the core Avalon APIs.


For example:

$ curl http://localhost:3008/history/techcoderx/0/50

Will return the next 50 results of the account history.

Get account rankings


Where <key> can be balance, subs or leaders.

For example:

$ curl http://localhost:3008/rank/balance

    ...(up to 100 accounts)

Get details for one leader


For example:

$ curl http://localhost:3008/leader/techcoderx
