
Rancher 2.0 HA Install Scripts to Manage Kubernetes (Install, Update, Backup, Restore) using RKE

Primary LanguagePython

RKE Runner (Script to run RKE to install and manage kubernetes on AWS)

To use RKE runner:

  • Download / clone this repo
  • ./rke.sh init
  • Rename .env.dist to .env and fill in values
    • Cluster: This is the AutoScalingGroup name that you have at AWS - ie: rancher26-EC2-1KNOLF3VC5UD3-EC2AutoScalingGroup-1QKDS1URH0K5B
    • FQDN: This is the URL that you would like RKE to use when generating the Kubernetes cluster - ie: rancher2.spce.io
    • InstanceUser: This is the user RKE runner will generate for you to manage the AWS instances
    • Bucket: This is the S3 bucket where RKE runner will use to store important information needed to manage your Kubernetes cluster - ie: rancher26-rke
    • Status: Leave this blank unless you want to clean / scrub your instances. If so, set to "clean"
  • Set permissions for rke.sh to 700
  • ./rke.sh run