
The first website the kids will build at WEMS for Thursday's ASE!

Primary LanguagePython

WEMS After School Enrichment Classroom Repository


All of the homework will be sent home, as well as put into a markdown document in the homework folder inside this repository




Setup for running Python Web App on Cloud9

When you are ready to run the python/dynamic_site.py module, you'll need to configure your cloud9 environment:

  • Click on the gear at the top-right to get to your Cloud9 settings.
  • Scroll down to the Project Settings section.
  • Set Python Version to Python 3 in the Python Support subsection.
  • Scroll down to the Preview sub-section within the User Settings.
  • Turn on Preview Running Apps.
  • Go to your console/bash window at the bottom and type:
  • sudo python3 -m pip install bottle
  • Now, you can open up the python/dynamic_site.py file.
  • Click on the Run button to run the dynamic website!
  • A browser will pop up.
  • Just click on the reload icon (to the left of the address bar).