
A central hub for everything TechEm Studios does with Amazon Alexa

TechEm Alexa Hub

This repo has been created to provide a place to showcase everything and anything TechEm Studios is working on related to Amazon Alexa, and voice user interface technology.


alexa_python - Presentation from Stir Trek. Includes example code including code for some published skills.

inspiring-women-alexa - Alexa skill template and presentation materials for 2017 rvatech/women conference

Examples, lessons and materials

alexa-skills-summer-camp - Summer 2017 alexa skills camp lessons and materials

PiLexa-Project - Create Alexa on the Raspberry Pi

Specific skill code

alexa_github - Code for RVA Octocats

alexa_meetup - Code for RVA Meetup Skill

alexa_vasos - Virginia Save Our Streams

alexa_playforfa - PlayforFA info skill.

Please don't hesitate to email us with any questions at alexa@techemstudios.com :)