
Test assignment for React native developers

Primary LanguageJava

React Native Test


The task is to create a sample application, that allows the user to search for movies, and view the movie details, with the following open source API examples:

Search API: https://api.themoviedb.org/3/search/movie?page=1&api_key=<api_key>&query=<query>

Movie details: https://api.themoviedb.org/3/movie/<movie_id>?api_key=<api_key>

Information about the API can be found at The Movie Database API Documentation.

NOTE: An API key will be provided to you separately.


Main / Search Screen:

  • Have a text input for user to input movie name for searching
  • Search button (press search to start searching)
  • Section to show last 5 searches keyword (able to remove with fade out animation)
  • Section to show result list (below recent searches), tap item on list to navigate to detail screen
  • Scroll to load more data
  • Pull to refresh (load only 1st page with current keyword)

Detail screen:

  • Load detail data of Movie
  • If there are multiple media results, they should display by tapping to open a popup
  • If there are related movies in the details results, user should be able to tap to open the details for that movie