is a micro Go library that enables keyspace notifications on redis and listens to events, wraps them in a struct containing Data
, Key
and Type
and makes them available for processing (eg. forwarding from Redis to RabbitMQ, Kinesis, Kafka etc.) Deletion and expiration events behave the same way, except the Data
field is nil
Checkout example/forwardtorabbitmq.go
to see how data from redis is forwarded onto rabbitmq queues and then consumed.
returns a pub sub object
The Channel()
methods returns an array of events containing the data, the type and the key of the redis data affected by an event.
To use forward
you only need a few lines:
ps := forward.NewPubSub(forward.PubSubConfig{
Addr: v.GetString("REDIS_URL"),
Pattern: "*",
KeyspaceID: 0,
events, errs := ps.Channel()
for e := range events {
The following Redis operation: SET foo bar
would generate an event which is a forward.RedisKV{Data:"bar", Key: "foo", Type: "string"}
//... your logic here...
: address of the redis server/cluster
: string pattern for matching only keys containing the pattern and discarding the rest
: the keyspace ID to subscribe to, but be mindful that redis clusters only allow ID 0, so you can omit this.