My dotfiles
This dotfiles repo is what I use to setup my systems.
- Clone this repo and run
script - Start feeling the awesomeness
- vim configurations that I use along with SpaceVim and Neovim
- tmux configuration
- bash aliases
- bash prompt based on this
- global gitignore and my git configuration
- global editorconfig
- httpie configuration
- my bash functions
- ssh config
- Brewfile (run
brew bundle install
) - rest of the awesomeness that I might not have remembered to document here
- If you wish to re-install/upgrade spacevim, you can set
to some value and this will enforce installation of vim stuff while
even if vim is already configured.
- For
git diff
, I'm using diff-so-fancy so make sure you have if you use this .gitconfig - Put your personal information for ssh on
. This requires OpenSSH >= 7.3. See Install Instruction for OpenSSH7.4 on Ubuntu 16.04 - Put your private bash aliases on
. - You can update crontab file and then run:
crontab crontab
to reload the crons. - If you wish you to update crontab from your own crontab, you can run:
crontab -l > crontab
in this repo.
1 .
2 ├── .custom-files
3 │ └── eye_inv.ico
4 ├── .functions
5 │ ├── codepoint
6 │ ├── colors
7 │ ├── extract
8 │ ├── gitignore
9 │ ├── gitpwn
10 │ ├── gogo
11 │ ├── golistdeps
12 │ ├── gostatic
13 │ ├── hccopy
14 │ ├── heroku-copy
15 │ ├── man
16 │ ├── mdview
17 │ ├── msgerr
18 │ ├── pylatest
19 │ ├── sslcert
20 │ ├── tmuxinator.bash
21 │ └── tre
22 ├── httpie
23 │ └── config.json
24 ├── nvim
25 │ ├── init-my.vim
26 │ ├── init.vim
27 │ ├──
28 │ └──
29 ├── scripts
30 │ ├── diff-highlight
31 │ └── diff-so-fancy
32 ├── .ackrc
33 ├── .agignore
34 ├── .bash_aliases
35 ├── .bash_prompt
36 ├── .bashrc.defaults
37 ├── .ctags
38 ├── curl-timing.txt
39 ├── .editorconfig
40 ├── .gemrc
41 ├── .gitconfig
42 ├── .gitignore
43 ├── .globalrc
44 ├── .iex.exs
45 ├── .iftoprc
46 ├── LICENSE
47 ├── .mpd.conf
48 ├── .psqlrc
49 ├──
50 ├──
51 ├──
52 ├── ssh_config
53 ├── tags
54 ├── .tern-config
55 ├── .tigrc
56 ├── .tmux.conf
57 └── .travis.yml
59 5 directories, 51 files