
Plug that adds various HTTP Headers to make Phoenix/Elixir app more secure

Primary LanguageElixirApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

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Plug that adds various HTTP Headers to make Phoenix/Elixir app more secure


The package can be installed from hex as:

Add plug_secex to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
  [{:plug_secex, "~> 0.1.3"}]

Or you can directly install it from github:

def deps do
  [{:plug_secex, github: "techgaun/plug_secex"}]


If you are using phoenix, you can put the plug in web/router.ex.

pipeline :browser do
  plug PlugSecex

You can also specify to override or disable particular set of headers.

pipeline :browser do
  plug PlugSecex,
    overrides: [
      "x-dns-prefetch-control": "on",
      "x-frame-options": "DENY",
      "custom-header": "value"
    except: [

If you need to determine one of these at run time - for instance, in order to use a content security policy that allows resources from a location configured in environment variables - you can pass a "module, function, arguments" tuple; calling that function with those arguments must return a list as shown in the previous example.

pipeline :browser do
  plug PlugSecex,
    overrides: {MyModule, :overrides, [arg1, arg2]},
    except: {MyModule, :exceptions, [arg3]}

The supported headers and their values by default are:

"x-content-type-options": "nosniff",
"x-dns-prefetch-control": "off",
"strict-transport-security": "max-age=31536000",
"x-xss-protection": "1; mode=block",
"x-frame-options": "SAMEORIGIN",
"content-security-policy": "default-src 'self'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'",
"cross-origin-window-policy": "deny",
"x-download-options": "noopen",
"x-permitted-cross-domain-policies": "none"

The headers that are removed by default are:
