Karyn's Environment

These are just my environment variables, aliases, etc.
Nothing much exciting to see here, just setup to save me time in the future.

  • Create symbolic links in home

    • .vimrc
    • .zshrc
    • .gitconfig
  • Open iTerm2 -> Preferences -> General

    • Under preferences browse to ~/mac_profile/iterm2_profile
    • Restart iterm2
  • Open Visual Studio Code

    • Open the Command Palette (⇧⌘P)
    • Type 'shell command'
    • Install 'code' command in PATH command.
  • Update $HOME/.gitconfig to use pulled aliases

    • Add the following lines: [include] path=~/mac_profile/git/git_aliases
  • Vscode Extensions

    • Start vscode
    • ls mac_profiles/vscode/extensions-list.txt - to get a list of extensions to install
    • Go to terminal and restore extensions from list
    cat extensions-list.txt | xargs -L 1 code --install-extension
    • Create backup of extensions when extensions are added or removed:
    code --list-extensions > extensions-list.txt