
Coinvert is a currency converter website, supporting a wide range of currency exchanges.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Website Features

1. Allow users to convert one currency to another using real-time exchange rates.

2. Supports a wide range of currencies.

3. Simple and intuitive environment for adding currencies and converting them.

4. Save conversion history or favorite currency pairs for quick access.

5. Displays chart of the currency exchange chosen.

6. Incorporate news about currencies and their impact on exchange rates.

7. Basic functionality to perform conversions even when the device is offline.

8. Responsive over all devices.

Video Demo


APIs used

  • exchangerate-api.com: Fetch live currency exchange rates
  • newsapi.ai: Fetch news related to forex

Libraries Used

  • axios: Used to make API calls
  • react-marquee: Used to create a marquee of currency exchanges
  • react-select: Used to create select elements for currencies
  • canvjas: Used to create charts