Daily MD is a very lightweight VS Code Extension that generates Markdown files for notetaking.
Daily MD is available on Github under the MIT license
- Quickly creates a preformatted Markdown file with sections for note taking, task managing, and questions
- Automatically titles each file in ISO 8601 format for simple organization (YYYY-MM-DD)
- Has options of either generating notes in current workspace directory or in preset default location, configured upon initial setup
Daily MD has the following configurable settings:
//File naming schema, default follows ISO 8601 date format
"daily-md.defaultNoteName": "{YYYY}-{MM}-{DD}.md"
// Default file path
"daily-md.defaultNotePath": ""
- Currently, updating daily-md.defaultNoteName in settings does not affect title naming schema
- Contributor Covenant - Used for the Code of Conduct
- MIT - Used to choose the license
This project is licensed under the MIT License.