
Loosely packed Game "Sandbox" written in C

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


Loosely packed Game "Sandbox" written in C

Font used: Monocraft

Building the Project

If building on Windows, you need to have a working MSYS2 Installation

Clone this repository recursively to pull in the submodules

To Build the Project, You will need:

  • A C and C++ Compiler: Clang, GCC or Emscripten
  • Premake5
  • GLFW3
  • make

You can Download them from your package manager

After cloning the repo recursively, cd into it.

Then, use sh generate-source-files.sh to generate some source files

Use premake5 gmake2 to generate the project build files.

Use make help to get a list of the available configurations.

Use make config=CONFIG to build the project for the required Platform.

The executable is in bin/CONFIG/starlight/starlight,

Android Support

Using Gradle

Use sh generate-source-files.sh && premake5 androidndk to generate the build files

Then cd into android-project and use gradle build

Build it directly (Doesn't work!)

Use premake5 androidndk to generate the build files

Then, use ndk-build NDK_PROJECT_PATH=./ APP_BUILD_SCRIPT=starlight.wks.Android.mk PREMAKE_ANDROIDNDK_CONFIGURATIONS=Debug PREMAKE_ANDROIDNDK_PLATFORMS:=Android APP_PLATFORM=android-30 to build the .so file