Snake Game

This is a Terminal based snake game made using Golang.

In this game

  • Users can pass the board size (height and width) upon running the game.
  • The game has a side pannel to show Game Score (number of food units eaten by snake), Length of the Snake and Dimension of board.
  • Upon game over users can press 'Home' key to Resart the game, OR press 'Delete' key to Quit.

It took me 6 days to complete this game, here is a gif of the game!


How to play

Installation and running the game

  • Install Golang.
  • Get required packages for the game by using below commands.
go get -u
go get -u
  • Download or Clone this repo in local system.
  • Go inside the project folder where 'gamerun.go' file is present.
  • Open in terminal.
  • Run this game by command go run gamerun.go.

Packages used