Incredibly secure, fast and light WebDav Server, built from Nginx official image - bare minimum with no bells and whistles.
$ docker run --name keepass-webdav -p 80:80 -v /path/to/your/keepass/files/:/media/data -d maltokyo/docker-nginx-webdav
Or use the docker-compose file included in this repository.
No built-in TLS support. Reverse proxy with TLS recommended
- served directory
To restrict access to only authorized users (recommended), you can define two environment variables: $USERNAME
$ docker run --name webdav -p 80:80 -v /path/to/your/shared/files/:/media/data -e USERNAME=webdav -e PASSWORD=webdav -d maltokyo/docker-nginx-webdav
(Inspired from - but "upgraded" to debian-buster image with all WebDav functionality enabled to work perfectly with MacOS OSX and Windows 10)