
Kubernetes YAML Scripts for various deployment scenario

Kubernetes configurations

The repository contains various strategy for implementing the Kubernetes cluster from Source code.

  • Approach 1 (servian-auto.yaml) - ( Deployment time is ~5 minutes )

    • In this approach, the Docker image is build using the Docker hub automated githooks.

    • Git hook is configured in the Dockerhub with the Github source repository.

    • As soon as a commit is performed on the repository, the build trigger, triggers the build.

    • The images are build using a "auto" tag, so this image is pulled when using the servian-auto.yaml file.

    • Dockersecrets are not required in the configuration as there is no push of image

         git clone https://github.com/techievee/kubernetesdemo.git
         kubectl apply -f servian-auto.yaml
  • Approach 2 (servian-build.yaml) - Deployment time is ~30 minute ( more time is taken for angular build)

    • In this approach, the Docker image is build and pushed to the repository during the deployment.
    • This approach is more appropriate in a environment, where we have our own registry for container repo. kaniko( docker in docker) image is used for building the container image.
      • In this approach, whenever the container is initialized
      • Kaniko container pulls the source code from the repository
      • Builds the image for the container
      • Pushes the build images to the docker registry using the configured docker credentials
      • All the images build using this method are tagged as "kaniko"
    • The image with the "kaniko" tag is pulled when using the servian-build.yaml file.
    • Dockersecrets are required in this configuration as build image is pushed to registry

This process can also be done using CI/CD Tools automatically

            git clone https://github.com/techievee/kubernetesdemo.git
            kubectl apply -f servian-build.yaml

Accessing Web interface of deployed Application

One all the pods are deployed, then type, to see the result

  • http://minikube_ip_address:30111

Where IP of minikube can be got by running the command * minikube ip DNS name of the minikube can also be used instead of the IP address

Test bed configuration

  • The kubernetes configuration were tested using the minikube for Windows

  • The minikube was configured to use Hyper-V of windows 10, and started using the command

  • 4GB memory allocation for the minikube VM.

  • minikube should be given a access to Network adapter with external access

  • Accessing the minikube using the internal dns name which is autocreated(minikube) from the host.

        minikube -p servian start --vm-driver hyperv --hyperv-virtual-switch "External Switch" --cpus 4 --memory 4096

"External switch" is the name of the switch, please refer the name in your Hyper-V network settings.


  • DNS from your host system should be getting resolved using minikube
  • Try nslookup minikube

Ports Exposed as Nodeport

  • Golang exposes the API in port : 30112
  • Angular exposes the web interface : 30111

Kubernetes dashboard enabling

The dashboard of the minikube can be enabled by running

 kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/dashboard/v2.0.0-beta4/aio/deploy/recommended.yaml
 minikube -p servian dashboard --url

Kubernetes components and its usages for various purpose:

  • Redis - Deployed using Stateful set
  • Redis Disk - Deployed using the Persistent volume and Persistent Volume Claim
  • Configuration for Golang - Using the ConfigMap
  • Password for Redis, Docker hub - Using Secrets
  • Angular Application - Using the Deployment
  • Golang application - Using the Deployment
  • Access to Golang and Angular - Using the Nodeport service (30111- Angular, 30112- Golang)
  • Access to Redis - No External access, Access via kube-dns( redis name) via clusterip service
  • Building and Pushing container - Using Kaniko image (Running docker in docker) as Onint container or as Jobs


The project uses other 2 project
