CLI tool that finds secrets accidentally committed to a git repo, eg passwords, private keys
- 0xz4ro
- adrianlopHashiCorp
- azizur@ZenobeEnergy, @mahabbawedding, @ecclesmosque, @ProDevStudio, @MapleSyrupGroup, @bbc and @launchgood
- Carlgo11Sweden
- chennqqi
- chriscoffee@helloself
- ckappenGeek Cell GmbH
- cmdplusr
- cwonrailsWashington DC
- daniel78ukXibit Digital Ltd
- davemee@ThingsManchester / @ThingsNorthTTN / The Garden / TANDOT / MMU
- DenisIzmaylov@axept, @StartupMakers
- Dhamuharkerchennai, TamilNadu
- fr34k8
- hibriLondon, UK
- itsmepetrov@planadev
- jaxxstorm@pulumi
- jd-13UK
- kondas
- madhuakula
- MorayMWiltshire, UK
- netxflybeijing
- NhoyaRome, Italy
- omar-nahhasLondon
- plodPencoed, Bridgend, South Wales, UK
- ricoliShefford
- roscopecoltran
- ryanccarter
- tjcunliffeLondon
- tlipert
- udpsec
- waako@opencodeHQ
- walle89Carasent
- We5terChina
- wokandroll
- zekizekiZaizi