
Guides for the Tech Lead Coaching Network

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Tech Lead Coaching

"If you want to build a ship, don't start gathering up wood and assigning tasks to people; instead, teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea."

The Tech Lead Coaching Network is a free, open source, community driven, and volunteer-based organization of tech leads and those who coach them. You are currently viewing the open source materials intended to guide new tech leads and coaches in what to expect, what skills to focus on, and generally how to get started.

These guides were originally written by Michael Rice (me@michaelrice.com)[mailto:me@michaelrice.com] but you are welcome to contribute to it on Github.

Getting Started

How to Get Started - quick start guide to the Tech Lead Coaching Network

For Tech Leads

  1. Being a Tech Lead - essay on our take on the tech lead role, what it is like to be a tech lead, and why coaching and mentoring may be so useful
  2. Core Tech Lead Skills a survey of the core Pareto skills that we feel tech leads should consider developing
  3. How to Participate in Coaching - a brief guide on how to get the most out of tech lead coaching.

For Tech Lead Coaches

  1. Yes You Can Coach - an intro that you, yes even YOU, can be a great tech lead coach and why you should
  2. Getting Started - how to get started as a coach
  3. The Tech Lead Coaching Model - the coaching model, a deep dive on the core Pareto skills, and how to support your tech lead to the next level
  4. Basic Dos and Don'ts - the basic mechanics of coaching such as scheduling, communicating, and focusing on coaching the tech lead -- not the problem

Reading List

Tech Lead Reading List an organically evolving list of articles and books on the topic.

Being an Organizer

Being an Organizer - some ideas for people who want to organize their own Tech Lead Coaching Network in their company or community.

Contributions Welcome!

Please consider sending us a pull request or submitting an issue if you have ideas for improvement to material to add.

Be a Part of the Network

If you want to sign up to participate as a tech lead or a coach, feel free to reach out to hello at techleadcoaching.com or visit our informational Tech Lead Coaching Network site and fill out the interactive forms. We're looking forward to hearing from you!