Google OIDC Login Demo App

This is an app to understand how to configure Google OIDC for login. This is built using Python and Flask using AuthLib.


Install the required dependencies:

$ pip install -U Flask Authlib requests


  1. Create a Google Developer Account if you don't already have one.
  2. Create a new Google Project
  3. Configure the OAuth Consent Screen:
    1. In the Cloud Console, go to APIs & Services > OAuth consent screen.
    2. Choose "External" and click "Create".
    3. Fill out the form with required details (e.g., App name, User support email).
    4. Add scopes email, openid and profile.
    5. Save and continue.
  4. Create your Google OAuth Credentials:
    1. In the Cloud Console, go to APIs & Services > Credentials.
    2. Click "Create Credentials" and select "OAuth 2.0 Client ID".
    3. Select "Web application".
    4. Enter a name for the credential.
    5. Under "Authorized redirect URIs", add the URI where Google will redirect after the user authenticates, in this case
  5. Save Your Client ID and Client Secret.

Fill the given client ID and secret into


Start server with:

$ export
$ flask run

Then visit: