
A simple Triple J plays Time Shifter

Primary LanguagePerl

triplej Plays Local

A simple Triple J plays Time Shifter


I personally recommend using cpanminus + local::lib.

Grab cpanm + local::lib

$ sudo apt-get install cpanminus liblocal-lib-perl

Configure local::lib if you haven't already done so:

$ perl -Mlocal::lib >> ~/.bashrc
$ eval $(perl -Mlocal::lib)

Install from git, you can then use:

$ dzil authordeps | cpanm
$ dzil listdeps   | cpanm
$ dzil install

or cpanm (if I've released a package on Git):

cpanm TriplejPlaysLocal-0.01.tar.gz


You will need to register for an app token here: https://apps.twitter.com/




Once installed and with the config file created, just launch it.

$ triplejplays 
$ tail ~/triplejplays.log -f
2015/10/25 10:56:33 INFO Tweeting: madeon - Imperium [10:56] 
2015/10/25 11:03:04 INFO Adding Tweet: (658114817564278784) .@vallisalps - Young [13:55] 
2015/10/25 11:03:04 INFO Adding Tweet: (658114323198418944) .@TheHardAches - Loser [13:53] 

It will tweet based on the current local time of the running profile. Does not account for live national broadcasts.

Author + License

Leon Wright < techman@cpan.org > License: Perl_5