
My solution for an intelligent 2048 game solution. Using alpha beta pruning and minimax.

Primary LanguagePython


(1) Alpha Beta - Pruning for the Player - Random Inserts for the Computer I was interested in finding out how far I can come with a depth = 0 and also with the depth > 0. Here my results.

(a) high depth I used to test with depth 3, that means I will go one step forward. Most time, my AI is reaching > 1024, sometimes 2048.

My Heuristics contains the following methods:

  • how close are our numbers? weighted with 0.1
  • how many empty fields do I have in the grid? weighted with 2.7
  • what is the highest value in the grid? weighted with 1
  • do we have a good order? weighted with 1

(b) depth = 0 I used to test this with depth 1, that means I will just calulate the next step from the CURRENT grid (without any smart steps forward). I usually reach 1024 and sometimes 2048. The big benefit of this Algorithm: it's very very fast.

My Heuristics for this contained the following methods:

  • how close are our numbers? weighted with 0.8
  • how many empty fields do I have in the grid? weighted with 0.3
  • what is the highest score that the grid can achieve? weighted 1
  • is the highest tile in a corner? weighted 1
  • do we have a good order? weighted with 1

(2) Random Inserts for Player - Alpha Beta Implementation for the Computer I used my alpha-beta-pruning algorithm and started with the cells (min) instead of with the tiles (max). My depth is 2. I just tested my ComputerAI in combination with my best PlayerAI and got to 256 and 128.