
This is a sbt project to describes how to pull tweets from twitter and publish into Kafka.

Primary LanguageScala


Pre-Requisites for this project

Kafka Setup

i) Download the Kafka- or latest version and unzip it.

ii) Run the following command. Start zookeeper & Kafka:

     $ bin/zookeeper-server-start.sh config/zookeeper.properties 
     $ bin/kafka-server-start.sh config/server.properties

Getting Started:

Clone and run the code:

    $ git clone git@github.com:techmonad/tweet-publisher-to-kafka.git
    $ cd tweet-publisher-to-kafka
    $ env "twitter4j.oauth.consumerKey=*****************" bash
    $ env "twitter4j.oauth.consumerSecret=**************" bash
    $ env "twitter4j.oauth.accessToken=*****************" bash
    $ env "twitter4j.oauth.accessTokenSecret=***********" bash
    $ sbt run