Pinned issues
- 2
#317 opened by ted423 - 0
#318 opened by ted423 - 0
#316 opened by xusky0328 - 2
- 9
[BUG]error This project's package.json defines "packageManager": "yarn@4.5.0". However the current global version of Yarn is 1.22.22.
#313 opened by ted423 - 3
#306 opened by ted423 - 0
[FEATURE] 增加 opensubtitles
#302 opened by ted423 - 9
[BUG]mtv get torrentfile炸了
#296 opened by ted423 - 6
#267 opened by Secular2020 - 0
#291 opened by ted423 - 5
#286 opened by ted423 - 0
#284 opened by ted423 - 1
#250 opened by garypiner - 1
[FEATURE] 支持音乐站的自动洗种
#277 opened by techmovie - 4
#196 opened by techmovie - 0
#255 opened by fzlins - 0
#271 opened by ted423 - 1
我记得replaceall 有兼容性问题?
#269 opened by ted423 - 0
[BUG] 缩略图问题
#262 opened by cfandora - 0
#258 opened by Tiam271 - 0
- 0
[新站点] RedLeaves
#206 opened by Rey50 - 0
[BUG] if PTP has screenshots hidden, screenshots don't get passed on certain sites
#251 opened by nest9 - 1
#236 opened by KesaubeEire - 0
#241 opened by onylin - 3
#242 opened by ted423 - 0
[BUG]azusa的域名去年变更了, 是 .wiki 不是 .ru 了
#235 opened by KesaubeEire - 1
#234 opened by ted423 - 0
[BUG]mtv 的audiocodec resolution没读取到
#227 opened by ted423 - 0
#223 opened by ted423 - 1
#231 opened by Small-SaltedFish - 10
#230 opened by ted423 - 1
#225 opened by ted423 - 3
[BUG]BHD dts-hd ma 读取为了DTS
#224 opened by ted423 - 5
#221 opened by ted423 - 4
#222 opened by ted423 - 4
[FEATURE]wiki 添加新站点的一些完善
#211 opened by ted423 - 4
[BUG]blu full disc 转载到BHD 显示 DVD 5
#214 opened by ted423 - 1
[BUG]ptp 转出error
#217 opened by ted423 - 2
#216 opened by ted423 - 2
[BUG]HDT 的发种的一些待完善的地方
#202 opened by ted423 - 1
#209 opened by ted423 - 1
#207 opened by ted423 - 0
#205 opened by ted423 - 2
#204 opened by ted423 - 3
[BUG]皮转NP img变成直连
#199 opened by ted423 - 0
[BUG]HDT 两个图片之间需要加个空格,否则解析不到
#200 opened by ted423 - 2
#195 opened by sandboxdream - 3
#186 opened by ted423 - 1
[BUG]简介信息里包含独占被标志为禁转(优先级 低)
#183 opened by ted423