
moved to gitlab

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

My résumé in JSON with additions to the original schema, including images for projects, schools, and awards.


Output to various formats using scripts written in Gauche.


Markdown output is created thus.

./md.scm -f resume.json -o index.md



Themes.scm exports the resume.json to HTML and PDF using resume-cli and various themes (all the ones I could find that didn't generate too many warnings or errors), plus my own variation. It requires the themes be installed local to the project via npm.


This is an improvement, at least in presentation, over my old XML résumé format, and for fun I copied a WGL résumé.


The Gauche scripts are MIT License. Feel free to use my résumé JSON file as a template. Recruiters, you do not have permission to put these in your spam database.