
Concurrent network scanner for CVE-2015-1635

Primary LanguageErlangMIT LicenseMIT

Webbased concurrent scanner for CVE-2015-1635.

Live implementation running here. This demonstration website is used for development of this project and it stability is not guaranteed.

Information on this project is written here. As the "TODO" list documented there has been completed this code is now in a stable state.

Code documentation can be found here.

Development and deployment

Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/technion/erlvulnscan.git

Get prerequisiites

./rebar3 get-deps


./rebar3 compile

Static analysis

./rebar3 built-plt #First time only
./rebar3 dialyzer

Generate release

./rebar3 generate

Create edocs (only necessary after API change as these are synced to git)

./rebar3 doc

Run test harness (EUnit and Common Test both implemented)

./rebar3 eunit
./rebar3 ct

Observing the cache whille attached to running process

ets:match(simple_cache, '$1').

The "logs" directory can be accessed to identify two sources of tests by aliasing it to a URL. Accessing this directory without a subfolder will show the results of the CT test suite. Accessing view.png will show the PhantomJS output from the frontend test.

Building the frontend

The frontend is built using Webpack plugins. From the frontend/ directory:

Install the requirements:

npm install

To build the frontend:


nginx setup

These rules were used for routing:

location /netscan {
    proxy_pass http://localhost:8080;