
Platform to transcribe Youtube links

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Transcript Youtube links along with AI-generated title, summary, chapters, and tags.

Powered by Sieve

Live Demo with Frontend

Youtube Transcript Live App


This is the backend service for Youtube Transcript AI. An application to develop detailed transcripts in over 50 languages, enhanced with AI-created titles, chapter divisions, concise summaries, and relevant tags. It is built using Node.js with Express and is designed with a very simplistic model.

Simply one endpoint /submit that takes in a raw youtube link and interacts with the Sieve Data API to create the full transcription alongside the specified features in downloadable PDF form.

Setup and Installation


  • Node.js installed
  • An API key for Sieve Data
  • OpenAI API key
  • Other environment variables (.env.example available)


Clone the repository. Run npm install for dependencies.

Starting the Server

Run npm start to start the server.

API Endpoint

POST /submit - Submit a link for transcription and title retrieval.
Body: { "link": "URL" }
Output: { text, summary, title, tags, chapters }


To interact with the server, send HTTP requests to the respective endpoints with the required data.

Error Handling

The server provides basic error handling for failed requests or internal errors.

Next Steps

  1. I want to switch to Python. Sieve, the library used for transcription services, has a native Python SDK but not for Node.js. Therefore transcription service is currently implemented with raw curl requests. The biggest downside of this is having to separate submitting a job and retreiving that job, while the Python SDK offers a single function .run() which abstracts this into one.


This project is * early stages*, so contributions are very welcome! Please ensure to follow the project's code style and contribution guidelines.

Shoot me an email if you get stuck at any part andere.emi@gmail.com