An interface to allow you to use the Bosch BME280 sensor from an ATtiny processor.
- akabash
- AndriusRomero
- B33lz38u8
- brunobrise@ectoCo
- Cemoshobbit
- clclon
- datacuteChristchurch, New Zealand
- easytargetAmsterdam
- ErfanDL
- gbafana25
- hwcho11South Korea
- j3ster2019
- JasonG-FR
- Jodameister
- juno@qnyp
- katurovAir
- L226Berlin, Germany
- lemonforestKansas, USA
- mahcis
- majuss
- miketarrantPacific NW
- mrkbbkMBS IT Solutions
- Nick9024
- OfferLaIsrael
- Phasikk
- philippedcParis
- pnbvPortugal
- Scotttea
- sven-aGermany
- ToSStudioBerlin, Germany
- utak3r
- vitalh
- will7007Ford Motor Company
- wsarce
- wwitespUK, Nottingham
- yerkanian