
Dynamo DB data migration tool

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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dynamo-data-migrations is a database migration tool with DynamoDb support. It supports generation of migration file with extension .ts(TS projects), .cjs(CJS type JS projects) or .mjs(ESM type JS projects) as per source project language.


$ npm install -g dynamo-data-migrations


$ dynamo-data-migrations
Usage: dynamo-data-migrations [options] [command]
  -V, --version                   output the version number
  -h, --help                      display help for command

  init                            initialize a new migration project
  create [description]            create a new database migration with the provided description
  up [options]                    run all pending database migrations against a provided profile.
  down [options]                  undo the last applied database migration against a provided profile.
  status [options]                print the changelog of the database against a provided profile
  help [command]                  display help for command

Initialize a new project

  1. Initialize a new dynamo-data-migrations project.

    $ dynamo-data-migrations init
    Initialization successful. Please edit the generated config.json file

Editing config.json

The config.json generated during the init phase contains configuration information as required to run the up, down and satus commands. Below is a brief description of the details specified in the file.

  1. awsConfig: This section is used to store AWS credentials and region of the AWS account against which you want to execute the up/down/status commands. You can specify multiple profiles, if profile is not specified it is considered as default profile. Region is mandatory for each profile. accessKeyId and secretAccessKey are optional, if not provided the credentials are loaded from AWS SharedCredentials file or from AWS environment variables. For more information, refer Setting Credentials in Node.js.

  2. migrationsDir: This value specifies the directory containing the migration files. By default during init phase migrations directory is created. If you want to use your own migration directory, specify the path (relative or absolute) in this section and ensure the directory is created before executing any up/down/status command.

  3. migrationType : Ensure a value from ts,cjs and mjs is provided here, based on which the migration script will be generated.

Creating a new migration script

To create a new database migration script, just run the dynamo-data-migrations create [description] command. This will create a file with the current timestamp prefixed in the filename. The file extension will be determined by the migrationType field value in config.json. The file will hold the signature of the up and down where migration details are to be specified. Templates are at : https://github.com/technogise/dynamo-data-migrations/tree/main/src/templates

$ dynamo-data-migrations create sample_migration_1
Created: migrations/1674549369392-sample_migration_1.ts

Checking the status of the migrations

At any time, you can check which migrations are applied (or not). Pass the profile option when you want to run the command in specific environments(dev,test etc).

$ dynamo-data-migrations status --profile dev

│ Filename                            │ Applied At │
│ 1674549369392-sample_migration_1.ts │ PENDING.   |   

Migrate up

This command will apply all pending migrations in the migrations dir picking up files in ascending order as per the name. If no profile is passed it will use AWS configuration from default profile. If this is the first time that up command is executing against a particular AWS account then it also creates a MIGRATIONS_LOG table to hold the migrated entries. If an an error occurred while migrating a particular file, it will stop and won't continue with the rest of the pending migrations.

Example: For default profile

$  dynamo-data-migrations up
MIGRATED UP: 1674549369392-sample_migration_1.ts
MIGRATED UP: 1674549369492-sample_migration_2.ts

To execute profile dev

$  dynamo-data-migrations up --profile dev
MIGRATED UP: 1674549369392-sample_migration_1.ts
MIGRATED UP: 1674549369492-sample_migration_2.ts

If we check the status again, we can see the all the migrations was successfully applied:

$ dynamo-data-migrations status
│ Filename                                │ Applied At               │
│ 1674549369392-sample_migration_1.ts     │ 2016-06-08T20:13:30.415Z │
│ 1674549369492-sample_migration_2.ts     │ 2016-06-08T20:13:35.415Z │

Migrate down

With this command and without any parameters, dynamo-data-migrations will revert only the last applied migration. You can also pass the number of downshifts to be done i.e. you can rollback last n installed migrations. If you want to rollback all applied migrations pass the shift argument wih value 0

Below will revert last 2 applied migrations.

$ dynamo-data-migrations down --shift 2
MIGRATED DOWN: 1674549369392-sample_migration_1.ts 
MIGRATED DOWN: 1674549369392-sample_migration_2.ts