- 1
Floyd's Algorithm
#336 opened by codebloded - 3
insertion in linked list
#324 opened by Gouriiseth - 1
circular queue implementation
#280 opened by purnimapal11 - 1
2-SAT Solver
#293 opened by jatinAgarwala - 1
Kosaraju's Algorithm
#294 opened by jatinAgarwala - 10
Insertion Sort
#273 opened by raevi-yadav - 8
Merge Sort
#274 opened by jain2anki - 3
Longest Common Subsequence
#275 opened by jain2anki - 0
Adding algos and DS in golang
#276 opened by Ayush-Mahajan - 1
Sudoku Solver backtracking
#251 opened by ShristiAgrawal - 3
Circular Queue Implementation[NEW Algorithm]
#252 opened by gargig412 - 3
Tower Of Hanoi
#270 opened by umangag07 - 4
Longest Common Prefix
#266 opened by Dipika98 - 12
Bubble Sort
#165 opened by vishal-bhola - 5
[Pigeonhole Sorting]
#158 opened by aishwarya-45 - 2
Balanced Parenthesis Using Stack
#326 opened by iamatul45 - 1
Longest common sequences given 2 strings
#199 opened by iFrogHop2Worlds - 2
[NEW Algorithm]
#174 opened by amishaagarwal1998 - 6
Heap Sort
#177 opened by Zeeshan-2k1 - 2
Coin Problem | Optimal Strategy for a Game
#188 opened by saranshkhulbe7 - 0
- 2
[Linked-List] FAANG Interview Questions
#233 opened by Uyadav207 - 2
Bit Manipulation
#327 opened by iamatul45 - 1
Z and Manachar's algorithms
#191 opened by H4R5H1T-007 - 4
[NEW Algorithm] N-Queen problem
#193 opened by sarveshvhawal007 - 1
- 4
Bellman-Ford Algorithm
#197 opened by Subhas-08 - 3
[NEW Algorithm]Divide and Conquer Algorithm
#231 opened by Anushka-codergirl - 5
GREEDY ALGORITHM | | Money Problem
#221 opened by Abhishek-7017 - 7
[Minimum spanning tree - Prim's algorithm]
#212 opened by BetaZeon - 2
Topological sorting for Directed Acyclic Graph
#214 opened by Harshit564 - 1
#304 opened by RavirajWadnerkar - 2
Doubly Linked list
#297 opened by rahulatrkm - 1
[Kadane's Algorithm]
#204 opened by zahinekbal - 2
[NEW Algorithm]DP problems
#256 opened by Kakarot-2000 - 4
Add algorithms for bit manipulation
#218 opened by absum11 - 1
[NEW Algorithm]
#301 opened by Yukta-Jaiswal - 0
binary heap
#321 opened by apurvk4 - 1
Two Pointer Techniques
#315 opened by nikhilshukla07 - 1
XOR Linked List; traversal
#314 opened by rishabharoraa - 1
Strassen’s Matrix Multiplication
#306 opened by manan2110 - 0
Kadane's Algorithm
#305 opened by manan2110 - 2
[NEW Algorithm]
#302 opened by akshitagupta15june - 4
Linked List basic functions[NEW Algorithm]
#242 opened by Kirtiahuja - 3
Reverse words in a string
#289 opened by Naziya-Parveen - 1
- 0
String reverse program in c++ prgramming
#203 opened - 3
[Karp-Rabin String Matching Algorithm]
#156 opened by rudrajit1729 - 0
djikstra implementation in graphs
#170 opened by YourGoodFriendSP - 0
Topics of Mathematics for Coders
#155 opened by iayushguptaaa