A database and API for life-fe
Data | URL |
List of districts with Data | https://life-api.coronasafe.network/data/active_district_data.json |
Ambulance availability | https://life-api.coronasafe.network/data/ambulance.json |
Ambulance availability (verified) | https://life-api.coronasafe.network/data/ambulance_verified.json |
Helpline Numbers | https://life-api.coronasafe.network/data/helpline.json |
Helpline Numbers (verified) | https://life-api.coronasafe.network/data/helpline_verified.json |
Hospitals and Beds | https://life-api.coronasafe.network/data/hospital_clinic_centre.json |
Hospitals and Beds (verified) | https://life-api.coronasafe.network/data/hospital_clinic_centre_verified.json |
Medicine availability | https://life-api.coronasafe.network/data/medicine.json |
Medicine availability (verified) | https://life-api.coronasafe.network/data/medicine_verified.json |
Oxygen availability | https://life-api.coronasafe.network/data/oxygen.json |
Oxygen availability (verified) | https://life-api.coronasafe.network/data/oxygen_verified.json |
First, run the development server:
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
You can start editing the page by modifying pages/index.js. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.
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