
iOS app to interact with the PVE API. Can start, stop, reboot and shutdow Qemu VM's and LXC containers

Primary LanguageSwift


This is the public copy of my private repo.

iOS app to interact with the PVE API. Can start, stop, reboot and shutdow Qemu VM's and LXC containers.

Made this because i wanted a simple app to start/stop containers and view their IP address. Too bad Proxmox doesnt have a (free) ios app.


What the app can do:

Fetch nodes /api2/json/nodes
Fetch vms /api2/json/cluster/resources?type=vm (filter by vm)
Fetch containers /api2/json/cluster/resources?type=vm (filter by container)
Fetch node details /api2/json/nodes/{node}/status
Fetch CT IP /api2/json/nodes/{node}/{type}/{vmid}/interfaces
Fetch VM IP /api2/json/nodes/{node}/{type}/{vmid}/agent/network-get-interfaces


Please do!!

I'm not a developer, this is my first ios/swift/xcode app. please be kind, improve where possible and add functions bit by bit.