This project exists to help you do a pull request! and maybe get "that" t-shirt :D
To Contribute in the proper way so that I can merge the pull request:
- Star the repo!
- Fork it. (Important!)
- Edit the file from the github site. (No need to clone, or your choice :))
- Copy the below code and replace with your github user name. Add after the last one.
* [yourusernamehere](
- Commit by creating a new branch (Create a new branch for this commit and start a pull request), DO NOT commit to master!
- Make a pull request!
- Done!
Happy Hacktoberfest :)
- Joonsang1994
- gmacario
- marcopetreri
- mdelclaro
- jonathangin52
- Charlye
- csp98
- dreamcatcher12
- yurrr
- brandon-meeks
- kartikeytripathi
- maralucilg
- kartikeytripathi
- bwoconnor
- jtkaufman737
- DanielCustDuran
- vanessa
- jesspetersen
- twyststar
- Arendt
- Endless7188
- PerhapsSomeone
- fractional-ray
- jlozadad
- makmm
- jessicalim8
- mohancm
- AkdM
- riyabhatia26
- waysp
- Yudhst
- sidhyatikku
- Trol1337
- Bruno
- goayandi
- bl4ckp4nther
- goayandi
- umarbrowser
- meditat
- amslv
- 2wce
- mohit17067
- thecoderkd
- ElanVB
- Bhupesh-V
- daithiscully
- Hydrowind
- bhaskarmac
- Pitasi
- rpeloff
- zotamias