
Build common named scopes automatically, and provide a simple way to merge them with a single #search call.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Allows you create common named_scopes and chain them together with #search and 

  class Topic
    belongs_to :forum
    can_search do
      scoped_by :forums
      scoped_by :created, :scope => :date_range

    # creates these two named scopes
    #   named_scope :by_forums, lambda { |f| {:conditions => {:forum_id => f}} }
    #   named_scope :created,   lambda { |range| {:conditions => ...} }

  Topic.search(:forum => 1)                  # Topic.by_forums(1)
  Topic.search(:forums => [1,2])             # Topic.by_forums([1,2])
  Topic.search(:created => (time1..time2))   # Topic.created(time1..time2)
  Topic.search(:created => \
    {:period => :daily, :start => Time.now}) # Topic.created(Time.now, Time.now + 1.day)

You can automatically paginate:

  Topic.search :forum => 1, :page => params[:page]

You can also access the named_scope directly for custom #find or #calculate calls.

  Topic.search_for(:forum => 1).sum(:hits)

Oh, and you can combine scopes:

  Topic.search :forum => 1, :forums => [2, 3], :created => (time1..time2)

  def can_search(&block)
    self.search_scopes = CanSearch::SearchScopes.new(self, &block)

Copyright (c) 2008-* Rick Olson, released under the MIT license