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AsyncTask is a helper class which helps us to use the UI thread properly. AsyncTask allows us to perform long-run/background operations and show its result on the UI thread without blocking threads. AsyncTasks should ideally be used for short operations (a few seconds at the most.) that will not affect our main thread.
Android Picasso library is one of the most popular image downloading and caching library, developed and maintained by Sqaure Inc. It’s very simple to use and you need to write just a few lines of code to do the job.
In Android TabLayout is a very creative idea to implement a swipeable screen or tabs introduced in the Design Support library. Android TabLayout provides a horizontal layout to display tabs on the screen. We can display more screens in a single screen using tabs.
Viewpager is a very good feature of android development, it facilitates users to traverse from one view to another view by swiping the screen horizontally.
Relative Layout is a view group that displays child views in relative positions. The position of each view can be specified as relative to sibling elements (such as to the left, right, above or below another view) or in positions relative to the parent RelativeLayout area (such as aligned to the top, bottom, left, right or center).
Shared preferences is a light weight data storage option provided by Android. It allow us to store and retrieve small amounts of primitive data as key/value pairs in a file on the device. Shared preferences is mostly used to save preferences, i.e., user-specific data, like application settings, login sessions, etc.
A splash screen is the first screen which appears when we open an app on our mobile device. A splash screen is the user’s first experience or impression of the application. It is used to show screen to user just before the app loads completely.
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AsyncTask is a helper class which helps us to use the UI thread properly. AsyncTask allows us to perform long-run/background operations and show its result on the UI thread without blocking threads. AsyncTasks should ideally be used for short operations (a few seconds at the most.) that will not affect our main thread.
In Android TabLayout is a very creative idea to implement a swipeable screen or tabs introduced in the Design Support library. Android TabLayout provides a horizontal layout to display tabs on the screen. We can display more screens in a single screen using tabs.
Shared preferences is a light weight data storage option provided by Android. It allow us to store and retrieve small amounts of primitive data as key/value pairs in a file on the device. Shared preferences is mostly used to save preferences, i.e., user-specific data, like application settings, login sessions, etc.
Android Picasso library is one of the most popular image downloading and caching library, developed and maintained by Sqaure Inc. It’s very simple to use and you need to write just a few lines of code to do the job.
Viewpager is a very good feature of android development, it facilitates users to traverse from one view to another view by swiping the screen horizontally.
Relative Layout is a view group that displays child views in relative positions. The position of each view can be specified as relative to sibling elements (such as to the left, right, above or below another view) or in positions relative to the parent RelativeLayout area (such as aligned to the top, bottom, left, right or center).
A splash screen is the first screen which appears when we open an app on our mobile device. A splash screen is the user’s first experience or impression of the application. It is used to show screen to user just before the app loads completely.