
Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


This library provides an implementation for an EnOcean PTM215b selfpowered BLE switch on a ESP32 based MCU


This repository is deprecated, see https://github.com/I-Connect/EnOceanBleDevices for the curent version


Hardware supported:

  • Tested on an ESP32wroom
  • Enocean PTM215B selfpowered BLE switch


This library is work in progress but following features are working:

  • Register a PTM switch by BLE address ("MAC Address"), specifying a 32 character Security Key and seperate NodeIds for either rocker A and B or specify separate NodeIds for the four buttons A0, A1, B0 and B1
  • Task based detection of Pressed, Repeat, ReleasedShort and ReleasedLong events
  • Security checks on payload length, source address, GAP AD Type and security key encryption using AES128
  • Dispatch events received through BLE to external event handler
  • Dispatch Repeat events to external event handler every 1000ms, if button is pushed and held down

Current implementation is based on https://www.enocean.com/en/products/enocean_modules_24ghz_ble/ptm-215b/user-manual-pdf/

All classes are defined within the namespace PTM215b.


  • Add dependency to I-Connect/enocean_PTM215b to your project
  • Add #include "enocean_PMT215b.h"
  • Create an instance of the derived Eventhandler class
  • Create an instance of the Enocean_PTM215b class
  • Initialize BLEDevice
  • Define an Eventhandler class implementing the PTM215b::Eventhandler interface
  • Register switches with BLEAddress, 32 character SecurityKey, NodeIds and a pointer to the eventhandler
  • Call enocean_PTM215b::initialize()

On every switch event, a call will be made to the handleEvent() method of the eventHandler registered with the switch with a PTM215b::SwitchEvent as parameter.

struct SwitchEvent {
  uint8_t nodeId;         // Id used when registering the switch
  Direction direction;    // Up or Down
  EventType eventType;    // Pushed, Repeat, ReleasedLong, ReleaseShort

The example basicWthConfigFile.cpp file contains an example of how to use a .json config file to define the properties of the switches used, using the ArduinoJson library


Future implementations might include:

  • Handling events with multiple buttons pushed or held
  • Make timing of Repeat events configurable per rocker
  • Allow for other components to also receive BLEScan results (daisy-chaining)
  • Implement handling optional data in DataPayload