This repository explains how to integratie travis, codecov and codacy in the github application.
This is a simple TicketApp application which has bascially a CRUD operations using Swagger. I have written unit tests for this application and used jacoco for code coverage.
Travis CI is a hosted, distributed continuous integration service used to build and test software projects hosted at GitHub. Open source projects may be tested at no charge via Private projects may be tested at on a fee basis. -wikipedia
Develop healthier code using Codecov's leading, dedicated code coverage solution.
Automatically identify issues through static code analysis. Get notified on security issues, code coverage, code duplication and code complexity in every commit and pull request. Automatically identify new issues early in the process and prevent your product from being affected. Keep your technical debt under control and focus your development time on what matters.
- To start using Travis CI, make sure you have: A GitHub account.
- Owner permissions for a project hosted on GitHub.
### Steps to add travis-ci into this application
- Create .travis.yml file for CI integration. It will call always when you commit the code.
language: java
jdk: oraclejdk8
sudo: required
on_success: never
on_failure: always
- bash <(curl -s
Login to with your Github or Bitbucket Account.
Activate your repository
- Whenever you commit the code, the build will be called automatically. You can customize too.
- Add the travis-ci build status icon in your readme file like this
[![Build Status](](
Login to with your Github or Bitbucket Account.
Add your repository (here it is springboot-travisci-codacy)
See the application coverage reports.
- Add the codecov status icon in your readme file like this
Login to with your Github or Bitbucket Account
Add your repository (here it is springboot-travisci-codacy)
See the application overall reports.
- Add the codacy status icon in your readme file like this
[![Codacy Badge](](