
A work in progress port of the Sonic Runners Decomp to Unity 2018

Primary LanguageC#


  • A merge of TyDev's and mattkc's Sonic Runners Decomps but also a port of the decomps to Unity 2018

How to setup SRU18

By: SnesFX/Blitzdotcs

  1. Download files from this repo using git clone https://github.com/blitzdotcs/SRU18.git

  2. Download the files from here

  3. Open the zip and Open the RunnersAssetBundleDecomp-master folder

  4. Extract the files

  5. Go to wherever you extracted the decomp and go into the Assets folder

  6. Make a folder called AssetBundles

  7. Paste Everything there

  8. Download Unity 2018.2.19f1 if you don't have it

  9. Open the project in Unity

  10. Build or Download Outrun

  11. Navigate to Assets/Scripts/ and open NetBaseUtil.cs with VSC

  12. Find the variable mActionServerUrlTable

  13. Edit every string in the mActionServerUrlTable array to http://<IP>:<PORT>/ where <IP> is replaced by the IP for your instance and <PORT> is replaced by the port for your instance (Default: 9001)

  14. Repeat step 14 for mSecureActionServerUrlTable

  15. Click File -> Save File

  16. Enjoy!


  • This is still a work in progress and this is being done by one person only, so expect development to be slow.


  • BlitzEX - Owner

  • TyDev - Decomp, Porter, and original owner

  • MattKc - Decomp