
GPU stagger animation for Ember list items

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GPU stagger animation for Ember list items

See the demo here.


ember install ember-stagger-swagger


ember-stagger-swagger ships with a stagger-set component that can be used directly in a template to wrap the items that you wish to animate.

Conceptually, the component treats all direct child elements as its set items or list items:

<h2>Spell Ingredients </h2>

{{#stagger-set inDirection="right" inEffect="slideAndFade"}}

  {{#each potions as |potion|}}


Additionally, ember-stagger-swagger exposes a mixin that can be imported directly from the addon and extended however you see fit:

import StaggerSetMixin from 'ember-stagger-swagger/mixins/stagger-set';


  • description: The direction of animation when the items stagger into view.
  • required: yes
  • constraints: A string keyword matching either 'left', 'down', 'right', or 'up'.
  • description: The direction of animation when the items stagger out of view.
  • required: no
  • default: The provided inDirection.
  • constraints: A string keyword matching either 'left', 'down', 'right', or 'up'.
  • description: A recognized animation effect applied to each list item when it's animating in.
  • required: yes
  • constraints: A string keyword matching either 'slideAndFade', 'slide', 'fade', or 'scale' (see the demo for a preview of each).
  • description: A recognized animation effect applied to each list item when it's animating in.
  • required: no
  • default: the provided inEffect
  • constraints: A string keyword matching either 'slideAndFade', 'slide', 'fade', or 'scale' (see the demo for a preview of each).
  • description: An animation name matching a CSS animation keyframe that you have defined in your project. If specified alongside an inEffect, this name will take precedence. This can be used to create your own effects and integrate them with stagger-swagger's built-in functionality.
  • required: no
  • default: null
  • constraints: None. Just make sure the name matches a CSS animation keyframe that you have defined in your project.
  • description: An animation name matching a CSS animation keyframe that you have defined in your project. If specified alongside an outEffect, this name will take precedence. This can be used to create your own effects and integrate them with stagger-swagger's built-in functionality.
  • required: no
  • default: null
  • constraints: None. Just make sure the name matches a CSS animation keyframe that you have defined in your project.
  • description: Manual hook for toggling the set between its entrance and exit animations.
  • required: no
  • default: true to correspond with enterOnRender's default.
  • constraints: true or false
  • description: Whether or not the elements in the stagger set should animate into view when the component is rendered.
    Note: enterOnRender allows for a more fine-grained level of control than just using showItems. Without enterOnRender, initializing the component with showItems set to true will cause the items to render in their normal visible state, from which the animation can be toggled further. Setting enterOnRender to true -- in conjunction with setting showItems to true (both of which are the default) -- creates a stagger-in animation on render and then hinges on the state of showItems going forward.
  • required: no
  • default: true
  • constraints: true or false
  • description: the number of milliseconds between the animation of successive items in the set.
  • required: no
  • default: 32ms. 2 frames per item (1 frame @ 60fps ~= 16ms) creates a noticeably staggered but still-perceptively smooth and fluid motion.
  • constraints: a number value greater than or equal to 32.
  • description: Duration of delay for the items' entrance animation (when the animation is activated).
  • required: no
  • default: 0
  • constraints: a number value greater than or equal to 0.
  • description: Duration of delay for the items' exit animation (when the animation is activated).
  • required: no
  • default: 0
  • constraints: a number value greater than or equal to 0.
  • description: The duration (in milliseconds) that a single item will take when animating in.
  • required: no
  • default: 500
  • constraints: a numeric value greater than 0
  • description: The duration (in milliseconds) that a single item will take when animating out.
  • required: no
  • default: 500
  • constraints: a numeric value greater than 0
  • description: A convenience property to set a single duration on both the entrance and exit animations. If set alongside any inDuration or outDuration, this property will take precedence
  • required: no
  • default: null (property is ignored if unset),
  • constraints: a numeric value greater than zero

Practical Tips


Because the DOM elements of Ember components are, by default, <div>s, and because it handles setting an animationName property on the component's direct children, you can safely design, conceptualize, and style your child elements as you normally would for the list items of a relative container.

Furthermore, because the keyframes for the built-in effects of slide and slideAndFade define transforms to bring their element in or out of its container's visible bounds (e.g., transform: translate3d(-100, 0, 0) at the 100%-stop of a left slide), it may well be useful to restrict overflow on the top-level component's element so that the children disappear when they're outside of said bounds.

The stagger-set "list items" demo is an example of how this would appear.

Creating Animation Effects

By default, a stagger-list component will attempt to map the keywords provided for inEffect or outEffect to one of its built-in keyframes.

However, you're free to implement your own keyframes and have them called instead. Just define them in your stylesheets as you would normally, and then pass the keyframe name to a stagger-list as a string argument for either customInEffect or customOutEffect. When these attributes are defined, stagger-list will always set them on the animation-name property of its child elements' style definition at the appropriate time.

Action Hooks

Together, these hooks can provide more control over interactions with the component during its animation. For example, if you set up a button to trigger toggles of the animation, you might want to make sure that it's disabled between the start and completion events.

<h2>Spell Ingredients </h2>

  onAnimationStart=(action 'loadCannons')
  onAnimationComplete=(action 'fireCannons')

  {{#each potions as |potion|}}


Future Goals & Ideas

  • Tentative: Explore improved effects for the vertical slide animation?
    • possibly break the mixins apart to deal with vertical and horizontal animation separately?
  • Tentative: Removing need for any CSS by using the Web Animations API?
    • Libraries like GSAP or Velocity are great for enabling pure JavaScript animation today (see: liquid-fire-velocity), but they're a bit too heavy for this addon, which only seeks to provide a handful of base effects and mainly concerns itself with encapsulating functionality.

Developing Locally


  • git clone this repository
  • npm install
  • bower install


Running Tests

  • npm test (Runs ember try:testall to test your addon against multiple Ember versions)
  • ember test
  • ember test --server


  • ember build

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