
Back end for the community page of the Tech Start UCalgary website at https://tech-start-website.web.app, created referring to the Django Guide from Tech Start UCalgary found at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Emq59prVwyzpnOW8CkTfz9FEWE00AH0epGFHji2k_lA/edit.

To run server locally, download repository into a folder with a python virtual environment set up and enter

python manage.py runserver

in the terminal.

If changes are made to models, enter in terminal

python manage.py makemigrations BackEnd
python manage.py migrate

To push changes to heroku app, enter in terminal

git push heroku HEAD:main

and to migrate in heroku, enter

heroku run python manage.py makemigrations BackEnd
heroku run manage.py migrate

Endpoints can be found at https://techstartbackend.herokuapp.com/.

login endpoint https://techstartbackend.herokuapp.com/login will return access token, first and last name.

Find swagger documentation at https://techstartbackend.herokuapp.com/swagger/.